Opal-RAD (Full Viewer)
COMPATIBLE BROWSERS: Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (select browser above for setup instructions) |
See instructions above first prior to logging in ↑
Login credentials are listed below ↓
mOpal (Mobile Viewer)
COMPATIBLE BROWSERS: Any Browser (Edge, Chrome, Safari, etc.) mOpal User Instructions |
See instructions above first prior to logging in ↑
Login credentials are listed below ↓
Login Credentials for Opal-RAD
Chiropractic Samples | Username: chiro| Password: demodemo
Chiro DDR Samples | Username: ddr| Password: demodemo
Podiatry Samples | Username: pod | Password: demodemo
Veterinary Samples | Username: vet| Password: demodemo
Orthopaedic Samples | Username: hand| Password: demodemo
General Access (no image filter) | Username: all| Password: demodemo